
Winter is coming, how to better protect the electric wheelchair

Entering November, it means that the winter of 2022 is slowly kicking off.

Cold weather will shorten the journey of the electric wheelchair. If you want the electric wheelchair to have a long distance, normal maintenance is indispensable.

When the temperature is very low, it will affect the battery voltage, resulting in lower battery power, and the power stored in the electric wheelchair battery will also decrease. The mileage of a full charge in winter will be about 5 kilometers shorter than in summer.

Frequent charging
To charge the battery of the electric wheelchair, it is better to charge the battery halfway. Keep the battery in a “full state” for a long time, and charge it on the same day after use. If it is idle for a few days and then recharged, the plate is prone to vulcanization and the capacity will decrease. After the charging is completed, it is best not to cut off the power immediately, and continue to charge for 1-2 hours to ensure “full charge”.

regular deep discharge
It is recommended that you perform a deep discharge every two months, that is, ride a long distance until the undervoltage indicator light flashes, the battery is used up, and then recharge to restore the battery capacity. You’ll be able to see if the battery’s current capacity level requires maintenance.

Don’t save power
Storing the battery at a power loss will seriously affect the service life. The longer the idle time, the more serious the battery damage will be. The battery must be fully charged when it needs to be stored for a long time, and it must be replenished once a month.

will not be placed outside
In order to prevent the battery from freezing, the electric wheelchair battery can be placed in a room with a higher temperature when not in use, and should not be placed directly outside.

Pay attention to moisture
When encountering rain and snow, wipe it clean in time and recharge after drying; there is a lot of rain and snow in winter, do not ride into deep water or deep snow to prevent the battery and motor from getting wet.

Post time: Nov-18-2022