
Which is better, electric wheelchair or manual wheelchair? Suitability is the most important thing!

Wheelchairs are an important travel tool for the wounded, sick, and disabled at home for rehabilitation, turnover transportation, medical treatment, and outing activities. Wheelchairs not only meet the transportation needs of the physically disabled and those with reduced mobility, but more importantly, they are convenient for family members to move and take care of patients, so that patients can use wheelchairs to perform physical exercises and participate in social activities.

In recent years, with the development of related technologies, there are more and more brands and types of electric wheelchairs. The market share of traditional manual wheelchairs has also been affected and declined, but there are still quite a few consumers who still choose Which kind of wheelchair is better?

Aaron believes that there is actually no way to compare electric wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs, because they are suitable for different environments, and consumers can only buy wheelchairs that are more suitable for them if they choose according to their needs. Next, Nai Sir will come to talk with you about how to choose two kinds of wheelchairs.

In the field of rehabilitation therapy, it is generally believed that wheelchairs are not only a means of transportation for patients, but also an important tool for patients to perform physical exercises and participate in social activities.

From this point of view, pushing the wheelchair is more helpful to promote the patient’s neuromuscular function and body coordination, and it is also beneficial to the improvement of blood circulation and cardiopulmonary function. Therefore, when the upper limb and trunk function, hand-eye coordination ability, and intelligence level are good, a hand-pushed wheelchair is often the best choice.

In addition, the manual wheelchair is flexible to use, and can even pass through steps and stairs under the condition of proficiency. The structure of the wheelchair is also relatively simple, light and easy to carry, does not require charging, is more “lightweight” to use, and is easier to maintain.

However, the disadvantage of pushing the wheelchair is also quite obvious, that is, it needs to be driven by manpower. For the elderly, weak or other passengers who are in poor physical condition, it is very laborious to drive the wheelchair by themselves.

If you don’t push it by yourself, you need the assistance of others to move it, which may be relatively inconvenient, and it is not suitable for long-distance travel.

As a newly developed product, the electric wheelchair is a newly developed product, and a large part of its functional design is developed for the shortcomings of hand-pushed wheelchairs. Hand-pushed wheelchairs are labor-intensive, and electric wheelchairs are driven by electricity instead of manpower, which is more labor-saving. Some electric wheelchairs have also been developed. The crawler device can go down the steps by itself.

Moreover, for those occupants with limited physical ability or physical disabilities who are not suitable for pushing wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs are more suitable for them, and can also meet the needs of occupants with long-term and long-distance travel scenarios.

The disadvantages of electric wheelchairs are mainly the heavy weight and the need to charge. Due to the heavy weight, when encountering steps, road ridges and other areas that are inconvenient to go directly to, although they also need assistance from others like manual wheelchairs, the weight But it has improved a lot.

The limitations of charging and battery life also lead to some emergencies, wheelchair users may not be able to use the wheelchair immediately, and it is easy to make mistakes.

To sum up, both manual wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs have their own advantages and disadvantages. Aaron suggested that if the occupants have good physical fitness, normal upper limb and trunk functions, good body coordination, and normal intelligence, they do not need to use electric wheelchairs. For some special functions, it is not necessary to equip electric wheelchairs.


Post time: Jan-06-2023