
how do you transport an electric wheelchair

If you rely on a power wheelchair to get around, it’s important to know how to transport it safely and easily. Whether you’re visiting the doctor, attending a family reunion, or just exploring new places, you want to be able to take your electric wheelchair with you without the hassle or stress. Fortunately, there are a variety of options and tips for transporting a power wheelchair that can help you get where you need to go.

1. Invest in a car lift

One of the most popular methods of transporting a power wheelchair is by using a vehicle lift. There are various types of vehicle lifts that can be installed on different types of vehicles such as SUVs, minivans and trucks. These lifts come in a variety of sizes and weight capacities, so you’ll want to choose the one that suits your specific needs. Once installed, the vehicle lift allows you to effortlessly lift and secure your electric wheelchair to your vehicle, making it easy to take with you wherever you go.

2. Use a trailer hitch

Another option for transporting a power wheelchair is to use a trailer hitch. This type of bracket attaches to the rear of your vehicle and provides a secure platform to place your power wheelchair. This option is especially useful if your electric wheelchair is large and heavy, making it difficult to lift it up.

3. Fold the electric wheelchair and use the ramp

If you have a collapsible electric wheelchair, consider using a ramp to transport it. The ramp can be mounted on the rear or side of the vehicle, allowing you to easily push the folded electric wheelchair into the vehicle. This option is ideal for those who have a smaller electric wheelchair or do not want to invest in a vehicle lift or trailer hitch bracket.

4. Secure your power wheelchair with the tie straps

No matter which option you choose, it is important to properly secure your power wheelchair with the tie straps. These straps keep your power wheelchair from shifting or shifting during transport. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to secure your power wheelchair to a vehicle lift, trailer hitch bracket or ramp.

5. Plan ahead and allow extra time

Shipping a power wheelchair can take some extra time and effort, so it’s important to plan ahead and allow extra time for loading and unloading. Give yourself enough time to get everything ready, and don’t forget to take breaks if needed. If you’re traveling a long distance, it’s important to have a backup plan in case any unexpected issues or delays arise.

In conclusion, transporting an electric wheelchair doesn’t have to be a hassle. With the right equipment and proper planning, you can safely and easily take your power wheelchair wherever you go. Whether you choose a vehicle lift, trailer hitch bracket or ramp, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and properly secure your power wheelchair. Safe travels!

Folding Eelectric Wheelchair

Post time: May-24-2023