
How can electric wheelchair batteries be more durable

Master these tricks, electric wheelchair batteries are more durable

Friends who have been using electric wheelchairs for a long time have found that the battery life of your battery is slowly becoming short, and the battery is swollen when you check it. It runs out of power after being fully charged, or it cannot be fully charged even after charging. Wheelchair.com teaches you a few tricks to make your electric wheelchair battery more durable.

In the hot summer, there are more and more battery bulges under high temperature! Today, the editor will come up with exclusive tips to give you a few tips for this phenomenon!

First, don’t charge the electric wheelchair as soon as you come back from the outside

When the electric wheelchair is running, the battery itself will heat up. In addition to the hot weather, the temperature of the battery is even as high as 70°C. Before the battery has cooled down to the ambient temperature, the electric wheelchair will be charged as soon as it stops, which will intensify The lack of liquid and water in the battery will reduce the service life of the battery and increase the risk of battery charging;

Tips: Park the electric car for more than half an hour, and charge it after the battery has cooled down sufficiently. If the battery and motor heat up abnormally during the driving of the electric wheelchair, please go to the professional electric wheelchair maintenance department for inspection and maintenance in time.

Second, never charge an electric wheelchair in the sun

The battery will also heat up during the charging process. If it is charged under direct sunlight, it will also cause the battery to lose water and cause a bulge to the battery; try to charge the battery in a cool place or choose to charge the electric wheelchair in the evening;

Third, never use the charger indiscriminately to charge the electric wheelchair

Charging an electric wheelchair with a charger that does not match may result in damage to the charger or damage to the battery. For example, charging a small battery with a charger with a large output current can easily cause the battery to bulge. It is recommended to go to a professional electric wheelchair after-sales repair shop to replace the matching high-quality brand charger to ensure the charging quality and prolong the battery life.

Fourth, it is strictly forbidden to charge for a long time or even charge overnight

Many electric wheelchair users often charge overnight for convenience, and the charging time often exceeds 12 hours, and sometimes they even forget to cut off the power supply and charge for more than 20 hours, which will inevitably cause great damage to the battery. Repeated charging for a long time can easily cause the battery to bulge due to overcharging. Generally, electric wheelchairs can be charged with a matching charger for about 8 hours.

Fifth, do not frequently use fast charging stations to charge electric wheelchair batteries

Try to keep the battery of the electric wheelchair fully charged before traveling, and according to the actual mileage of the electric wheelchair, you can choose to take public transportation for long-distance travel. There are fast charging stations in many cities. Using fast charging stations to charge with high current may easily cause the battery to lose water and bulge, thus affecting the battery life. Minimize the number of times you use a fast charging station to recharge.

Post time: Feb-14-2023