
Do you know the importance of wheelchairs to patient recovery?

Many people have certain misunderstandings about wheelchairs. They think that wheelchairs are needed by people with disabilities. They do not need to use wheelchairs if they can still walk. In fact, many people have difficulty walking, but they cannot accept sitting in wheelchairs psychologically and insist on walking, which later leads to A leg is strained or broken, and a small problem turns into a big one. In order to help more people get out of misunderstandings and provide patients with better rehabilitation treatment and return to society, we must face up to the wheelchair from a scientific perspective and fully understand its importance.

Lightweight Electric Wheelchair

Electric wheelchair manufacturers help you understand which groups of people need to use wheelchairs

1. People who have basic walking ability but find it difficult to walk for a long time;

2. People with reduced walking ability and difficulty walking on their own;

3. People with brain problems that prevent them from effectively controlling their limbs to walk;

4. People who have lower limb amputation or paralysis, have lost their ability to walk, or are in significant danger;

5. Heal fractures.

What are the current situations that are easily overlooked?

Lightweight Electric Wheelchair

When an elderly person has difficulty walking due to problems such as bone hyperplasia or osteoporosis, he still insists on walking by himself in order not to cause trouble to his family, which later leads to fractures and other problems and is difficult to recover from;

Patients with stroke and hemiplegia must endure physical pain and psychological torture due to long-term bed rest, facing the ceiling and the turbid air in the room. The psychological pressure cannot be relieved for a long time, resulting in bad temper and potential diseases. Family conflicts;

Patients who cannot walk due to brain problems cannot communicate with the outside world for a long time in the small space of the room, resulting in their physical condition such as speech gradually declining, making the possibility of recovery very slim;

For patients who have lost the function of their lower limbs, various physiological indicators will decline due to lack of physical activity, and some diseases will take advantage of the situation, causing further harm to the disabled body;

Patients with fractures need three to five months to recover. Since they cannot tolerate long-term bed rest, patients usually walk or even return to work prematurely, causing secondary damage to the healing wounds.

What can a wheelchair do for you?

1. Proper wheelchair exercise can improve various physiological indicators of their bodies. Strengthening their physical fitness will reduce the occurrence of diseases and extend their lifespan;

2. It can help patients participate in various outdoor activities, promote interpersonal communication, and integrate and return to society;

3. Operating wheelchairs will stimulate their physical potential, allowing them to complete ordinary daily activities like able-bodied people, and also participate in difficult cultural and sports activities and events, helping them rediscover their own value, rebuild their self-confidence, and better Face your life;

4. The expansion of living space can well prevent and improve their depressed “negative” mentality, making them cheerful and optimistic, which is very beneficial to the patients’ physical and mental health and recovery;

5. Wheelchairs can not only bring convenience to patients’ lives, protect the body and reduce injuries, but can also provide various rehabilitation exercises and physical therapy;

6. Harmony is the most important and filial piety comes first. The elderly have made great contributions to society and family. In order to enrich their life in their later years, should the younger generation take them out for more walks? Remember to bring a wheelchair;

7. Sunlight is not only an important sterilizer, but also helps the body absorb calcium. Regular outdoor activities with the help of a wheelchair, bathing in the sun, and breathing fresh air are very beneficial to the recovery of fractures.

Electric Wheelchair

Wheelchairs still have many functions. Only by establishing a correct cognitive perspective can we make better use of them, help more patients get rid of injuries, return to society, and create a healthy, stable and harmonious society!


Post time: Jan-24-2024